Richard Lloyd

Partner, Eversheds Sutherland LLP

Richard Lloyd is a partner in our national planning team specialising in all areas of planning, compulsory purchase and highways law. He has a particular expertise in large and complex redevelopment and regeneration schemes, including those involving compulsory purchase. He also advises on contentious matters such as judicial review and on CPO compensation claims.

His experience spans major residential schemes, town centre and out of centre retail and leisure developments, mixed use schemes and large-scale regeneration projects including:

- acting for the London Development Agency on the CPOs needed to assemble the land for the 2012 Olympics and their regeneration legacy;

- advising ECF on all planning and CPO aspects of the Salford Central scheme;

- acting for Lend Lease on Elephant & Castle;

- advising Land Securities on the redevelopment of the Westgate shopping centre, Oxford;

- acting for Barnet Council on the planning and CPO aspects of the Brent Cross Cricklewood regeneration scheme, and

- advising BNFL on the planning aspects of the decommissioning of the Trawsfynydd nuclear power station.

Richard is a member of the Law Society's Planning Panel, a Legal Associate of the RTPI and a member of the Compulsory Purchase Association. He and his team have been top-ranked in the Chambers and Legal 500 directories for over a decade, where he has been described as "outstanding and extremely professional", with "excellent sense of judgement and exceptional knowledge", and as one of the leading CPO lawyers in the country.