James Burton

Barrister, 39 Essex Chambers

James’ planning practice spans the full range, from inquiry and EiP to High Court challenges, along with work in related areas such as CPO, HS2 and aviation. Over the coming months he will appear at public inquiry into two major residential schemes and one large scale energy from waste facility, amongst other matters. Over 2018 and early 2019 he appeared for objectors at the EiPs into the Guildford and Wycombe Local Plans. He is presently instructed by the Civil Aviation Authority on an interesting High Court challenge concerning airspace change, and is advising a high profile NGO in relation to climate change and plan making. Recent Planning Court cases of note include R (Bent) v Cambridgeshire County Council [2017] EWHC (minerals planning permission and noise); R (Hill) v Stroud District Council [2016] EWHC (major residential development and heritage) and R (Palmer) v Herefordshire [2016] EWCA (important decision regarding impacts on designated heritage assets). James has also appeared on numerous occasions for various petitioners before both the Commons and Lords’ Select Committees considering HS2. Of particular relevance to climate change, alongside inquiry and court work concerning renewables developments, James also appeared in R (Homesun, Solar Century, Friends of the Earth) v Secretary of State [2012] EWCA  (the solar feed-in tariff litigation).

In 2015 James was named the Chambers & Partners Environmental and Planning Junior of the Year.