PEBA Annual Conference: 2011-2016 A Quinquennial Review


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"However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results" 

Sir Winston Churchill

We are now in the fifth year of both the Localism Act and the NPPF and, as the Government undertakes its own review of policy and introducing further reforms to the planning system through the Housing and Planning Bill, this year’s conference will provide a quinquennial review of the law, policy and practice guidance as it affects the planning practitioner. The day will provide a searching assessment of the planning system’s strengths and weaknesses with the speakers’ recommendations for any necessary further change.

Start Date Venue Price  
6 May 2016 Hogan Lovells International LLP, London    

Note: All prices are to be paid in GBP and are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate

Event duration: Whole day (5 hours CPD) BSB Accredited.
Registration from: 09.00. Event starts at: 09.30. Event finishes at: 16.10.

PEBA thank
Hogan Lovells LLP for the kind use of their facilities for the conference

Mr Justice Dove will provide the Keynote Address and we will then move to a review of the NPPF and the PPG, assessing where they have aided decision making, the case law they have generated and where they have shortcomings. We will then address how the neighbourhood planning ambitions of the Localism Act have played out in practice, with consideration of the effectiveness of neighbourhood plans in terms of delivery, the legal problems associated with them as well as the implications of Asset of Community Value designation. At the other end of the scale spectrum, the National Infrastructure Projects regime under the Planning Act 2008 is delivering development consents on a range of important infrastructure projects and there is now a good body of decisions to provide guidance on good practice and to identify the recurrent significant legal issues which they give rise to.

In a departure from previous years, the afternoon’s session will start with a review of important recent appeal decisions from the past year and then turn to address the future of Strategic Planning and the implications of the Government’s Housing and Planning Bill. The afternoon will conclude as usual with the Case Law Update.

The Conference will be valuable not simply to planning and environmental lawyers but to all those actively engaged in the development process – whether as promoter, regulator, or opponent of projects.

Last year, the Planning and Environment Bar Association’s conference saw 150 practitioners attend what has been credited as a ‘must attend’ event, attracting planners, lawyers, surveyors and barristers in high numbers.

The Conference provides delegates with the opportunity to meet, listen to and benefit from thought provoking, yet practical papers on important matters affecting practice. In addition, with the benefit of excellent networking opportunities in a first class venue, this Conference will contribute to meeting your CPD requirements at a very affordable price. 



Registration and Refreshments
  9.30-Welcome and Introduction by Conference Chairman
Morag Ellis QC, Chairman of PEBA, Francis Taylor Building
Keynote Address
Mr Justice Dove
The NPPF and PPG – their strengths, weaknesses and scope for improvement
Paul Brown QC, Landmark Chambers
Neighbourhood Planning – a sword or a shield? 
Richard Harwood QC, 39 Essex Street
Victoria Hutton, 39 Essex Street
National Infrastructure Projects – progress and lessons learned
Hereward Phillpot QC, Francis Taylor Building
Mark Westmoreland Smith, Francis Taylor Building
The Planning Court: Update
Martyn Cowlin, Casework Lawyer, Planning Court
Appeal Decision Review
Hashi Mohamed, No.5 Chambers
Giles Cannock, King’s Chambers
Nicholas Ostrowski, 6 Pump Court
Strategic Planning and the Housing and Planning Bill
Thomas Cosgrove, Cornerstone Barristers

Clare Parry, Cornerstone Barristers
Case Law Update
Daniel Kolinsky QC, Landmark Chambers
Conference close