The Life of a Lease: Module 2
Module Duration: 1 hour 56 minutes
Recorded: 04/10/2023
Price £80 + VAT Login to View or Register to Buy
Areas covered
A key landlord’s concern will be that the value of the investment is not undermined by disrepair, or by inappropriate alterations carried out by the tenant. Landlord’s consent may therefore be required for many common alterations, and both landlords and tenants should know the best practice in conducting a request for consent. Another key aspect is the extent to which the landlord’s freedom in responding to such a request may be constrained by an obligation to act reasonably. Tenants have a range of potential routes to securing entitlement to carry out alterations even where the landlord objects, and a good knowledge of the possibilities is important.
This webinar will include:
- Typical content of alterations covenants
- The Alterations Protocol, and the conduct of requests for landlord’s consent
- The degree of control which landlords can exercise
- How tenants may overcome landlord’s objections
- Implications for lease guarantees
- Rent review implications
- Dealing with mid-term dilapidations
- Mark Shelton, Commercial Property Management Law Trainer, CPM Law Training Limited and Author of 'A Practical Guide to the Law of Dilapidations' and 'A Practical Guide to Applications for Landlords' Consent and Variation of Leases'