Promoting and enhancing best practice and technical expertise

The CPA National Conference 2024

CPO Reform - Where Are We Now?

The Compulsory Purchase Association's National Conference is the premier networking event in the CPA calendar and indeed in the CPO world. With a pre-eminent programme and set of speakers, if you're involved in CPO work, this is a must attend event for technical knowledge, updates and networking. It seeks to brief members and non-members on key matters connected with the practice of compulsory purchase and compensation.

Module Duration: hours 31 minutes

Date Recorded: 11/07/2024

Areas covered

Welcome & Introduction by Conference Chair - CPA Chair; David Holland

CPO Reform – Where Are We Now?

Law Commission – Consultation on CPO Reforms

  • The Law Commission will deliver a key note address providing the latest update on its work in reviewing existing CPO law, including details of its stakeholder consultation that is critical to its work in formulating recommendations for consolidation and reform. 

The Need Case for CPO Reform  

  • Our experts will identify the main issues on which they expect the Law Commission to seek your views at the consultation stage before finalising their recommendations.

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 – What CPO Practitioners Need to Know

  • The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 introduces a range of provisions that will impact compulsory purchase and compensation.  
  • Overview of key provisions and effective dates.
  • How will the LURA CPO provision work in practice - A talking heads debate
Update on Revised CPO Guidance
  • The Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities expects to publish updated guidance on compulsory purchase process and The Crichel Down Rules following the changes in the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act.  
  • What updates to the guidance might we see following LURA? Aside from the LURA, what other updates might we see or do we think would be beneficial?
  • The session will look at what the CPA is asking for and other possible updates.

D&I in the CPO Sector - Report from the CPA’s D&I Working Group

  • Following surveys of our members in 2022 and 2023, the D&I working group will offer insight into the current state of play in the CPO sector on D&I issues and identify areas for improvement.
  • Case Study - Valuation Office Agency.

Injurious Affection Claims: A Practical Approach and Where are we Now Post Cheshire Lounge?

  • Approaching claims on the correct legal basis.
  • Understanding the peculiarities of Cheshire Lounge.
  • How can Acquiring Authorities protect themselves?

The CPA Land Compensation Claims Protocol

  • The latest UT (Lands Chamber) have incorporated it in their practice directions.
  • Over 6 years have passed since the CPA Protocol went live. What we call best practice has evolved, ADR is promoted and demanded by the Courts - its time for a review.

Delivering Net Zero – Proposed Reform of Land Assembly for the Electricity Industry

  • Two years on from the Department for Energy and Net Zero’s Call for Evidence in relation to the existing land rights and consenting regime under the Electricity Act 1989, this session will explore where we are now and what effective reform needs to achieve expansion of the electricity network and balancing the interests of the network operators and affected parties.

Case Law Update
