Promoting and enhancing best practice and technical expertise

The Rating Diploma Holders' Conference 2024

Rating Rumours and Revelations

The 30th Annual Conference examines the current issues, facing the modern rating practitioner. The 2024 Conference of the Rating Diploma Holders' Section of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, is open to both members and non-members alike. 

Module Duration: hours 36 minutes

Date Recorded: 12/09/2024

Areas covered

Welcome & Introduction From The Rating Diploma Holders' Section Chair - Chris Royle

Overview of the Rating Valuation Landscape Chris Sykes, Josh Myerson & Tony Masella

  • How 2023 is going and looking forward to 2026
  • With thousands of last minute 2017 Checks (and proposals/challenges in the system, and prep for R2026 hotting up) is 2023 going to be the ‘Missing Reval’?
  • Appeals and the VTE/VTW - Virtual hearings? Will late 2017 Challenge clearance increase appeal numbers significantly?
  • Engagement between VOA and Assessors etc for more prior agreement?

Bite Sized Chunks: 

Retail Valuation - Has Zoning had its Day? - Patrick Bond

New Scottish Proposal System compared to CCA - James Thompson

  • Overview
  • Key differences
  • Early issues

Receipts and Expenditure Approach – Should Director’s Remuneration be Above or Below the Line and Does it Matter? Dario Costantin 

Locality and Valuation – Where Does it Begin and End? - Stuart Hicks 

  • The importance of the reality principle
  • Matters affecting rating valuation
  • Locality… a precise area or something different? 

Rights Allow Occupiers to do Things but also Restrict Things – How Do they impact upon Rating Valuations? Bjorn Bowles 

  • How do rights affect rating?
  • The hypothetical tenancy – actual occupation ignored
  • Appurtenant rights
  • Rights over hereditament
  • Fire escapes through shops and other adjoining buildings

Mode or Category of Occupation – a Valuation Problem Karl List 

  • Often misunderstood
  • Cafes, coffee shops and shops in shopping centres – all the same?
  • How is it judged – type of occupation? Planning? Is a ‘large shop’ or ‘retail warehouse’ just a bigger shop? If not, who gets to define ‘large shop’ when we say:
  • A large shop is a large shop but not any particular kind of large shop?
  • Is the Fir Mill principle going to be put under strain in a very different world from 1960?

Bite Sized Chunks Continued: 

Improvement Relief  - David Alford 

Recent Rating Cases - From a Surveyor’s Perspective Wayne Cox

  • The traditional conference examination of recent Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber), Valuation Tribunal, Scottish and Irish cases from a valuer’s perspective.
