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Upskilling: The Compulsory Purchase Professional Development Programme

Next Events

The Life of a Lease

With supervision time at a premium, the graduate surveyor or junior lawyer needs a reliable road-map to the significant moments in the life of a lease. The Focus on Commercial Lease series presents an extended case study, considering the key terms of a modern commercial lease form as applied to events over the term of a tenancy. Up-to-date caselaw is included, as well as the three key Protocols. There are four courses in the series, which are all capable of being booked individually, and viewed as standalone sessions.

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The Rating Diploma Holders' Conference 2024

Rating Rumours and Revelations

The 30th Annual Conference will examine the current issues, facing the modern rating practitioner. The 2024 Conference of the Rating Diploma Holders' Section of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, is open to both members and non-members alike. 

Book your choice of attendance: in person at the Loughborough University, or a virtual place

4½ CPD
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The 11th Annual CPO Convention 2024

Challenges for Claimants, their Advisors and the Acquiring Authority

The purpose of this CPO Convention is to focus on some of the prominent and key areas of CPO practice. It delivers a nuts and bolts review of important and contentious practical matters. The Convention is aimed at those in the field of Compulsory Purchase; whether advising acquiring authorities or representing claimants. 

5½ CPD
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Rent Review and Lease Renewal

The course will give an overview of the two procedures and look at recurrent issues such as whether the hypothetical lease should include a break option, what should be the assumed length of term, and how rent-free periods are taken into account in valuation. It will survey the dispute resolution options, with particular reference to the increasingly well-used PACT scheme, and consider what changes might usefully be made in the Law Commission’s current review of the 1954 Act. This course is intended for surveyors, investors, occupiers and all those involved in rent review and lease renewal negotiations or commercial property management generally.

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New On Demand Presentations

The CPA National Conference 2024

CPO Reform - Where Are We Now?

The Compulsory Purchase Association's National Conference is the premier networking event in the CPA calendar and indeed in the CPO world. With a pre-eminent programme and set of speakers, if you're involved in CPO work, this is a must attend event for technical knowledge, updates and networking. It seeks to brief members and non-members on key matters connected with the practice of compulsory purchase and compensation.

Module Duration: hours 31 minutes

Date Recorded: 11/07/2024

Price £300

5¼ CPD
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Repurposing - Commercial and Residential In Conflict?

The planning system increasingly encourages flexibility and repurposing, but private property rights tend to be more restrictive. The law of private nuisance and restrictive covenants operates side-by-side with the planning system to control land use. It is not just freehold rights, but also rights arising under leases, which may constrain the freedom of both landlords and tenants. The move to repurposing is undeniable, nevertheless, and urban areas are increasingly mixed-use. Whether or not housing is provided in a mixed-use development, residential occupiers increasingly find themselves next to commercial uses, with potential for conflict, and this is underlined by the nuisance claims which make their way to court. In this on demand webinar we consider the legal issues raised, and potential means of resolution of the difficulties.

Module Duration: 1 hour 49 minutes

Date Recorded: 03/07/2024

Price £80

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CPO Talking Heads: June 2024

Housing is in Crisis: What Role can CPOs Play?

This event runs as an informal discussion with a small panel of leading and informed practitioners extracting the nuances from this months topic "Housing is in Crisis: what role can CPOs play?". It will discuss practical issues that arise, with participants in the meeting being encouraged to listen, join in, ask questions and share comments.

Module Duration: 1 hours 3 minutes

Recorded: 24/06/2024

Price £50

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Opposing Lease Renewals - What, How, Why and When?

For the landlord wishing to get possession back at the expiry of a tenancy, the grounds and procedure for opposing renewal under the 1954 Act can look like an obstacle course. In fact, the cases lay down ways through which are comparatively straightforward, so the smart adviser can help the client to the right outcome effectively. There are also several practical tips which help to reduce the amount of compensation payable. Tenants, on the other hand, need to know the tactical levers which can help put them in the strongest negotiating position. The caselaw continues to develop, and this webinar considers recent cases as well as reviewing the grounds of opposition, tactics, timing and procedure.

Module Duration: 2 hours 1 minutes

Date Recorded: 12/06/2024

Price £80

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