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Rating Talking Heads Masterclass: October 2024

Leisure Property Valuations: Valuing It Right First Time!

In October, we bring you a Rating Talking Heads Masterclass. This event runs as an informal discussion with a small panel of leading and informed practitioners extracting the nuances from the selected topic "Leisure Property Valuations". This month is more about methodology and valuation principles. The panel will discuss practical issues that arise within this topic, with participants in the meeting being encouraged to listen, join in, ask questions and share comments.

Start Date Venue Price  
29 October 2024 Virtual Monthly Discussion £50 BOOK

Note: All prices are to be paid in GBP and are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate

Event duration: 1 Hour Topical Panel Discussion.
Registration from: 12.55. Event starts at: 13.00. Event finishes at: 14.00.

October's Discussion: Leisure Property Valuations: Valuing It Right First Time!

Rating Talking Heads began in 2021, looking at topical and contentious rating matters. The natural evolution is to use the same format but adding upskilling and masterclasses in respect of valuation methodology and practice matters into the mix. The common style continues with the relaxed in-depth panel discussion covering a particular subject where the conversation takes listeners on a journey, where questions, comments and ideas can be explored along the way.

October's Talking Heads


This Talking Head's event will discuss;

  • Valuation methodology: A whizz through the different methodologies
  • There is the dichotomy with gyms and leisure centres that are Local Authority properties and being valued on contractors method, and private centres being on a rate/m2. This is before you build in the management of such facilities by charities and not for profit companies
  • Is this fair and reasonable that properties are valued by their ownership and management structures? Are they really different mode and category? 
  • Then there is the question of Stage 5 allowances post Hughes (VO) v Exeter City Council with Bisham Abbey being overturned and so the prospect for end allowances for non-commercial use and/or grant aid
  • If we aren't looking at contractors, how does the use of percentage of FMT (Shortened Method) stack up following the recent run of UT decisions rejecting this approach? This pulls in the valuation of historic properties which are done on a mix of spot figures and percentage of receipts
  • What can be learnt from recent case law which has (or should have) been applied in settling the outstanding 2017 List appeals, has it changed in respect of  the 2023 Reval, and what does the future hold?