Promoting and enhancing best practice and technical expertise

PEBA National Conference 2022

Confronting Change - Virtual Realities, Climate Emergency and Life after Brexit...

The Planning & Environment Bar Association's National Conference will assess the latest developments in planning and environmental law and assess policy and procedure in key areas. The conference will include papers from the judiciary, leading practitioners at the Bar and a leading academic in European law from Oxford University. 

Start Date Venue Price  
27 June 2022 Clyde & Co, London    
27 June 2022 Virtual Attendance    

Note: All prices are to be paid in GBP and are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate

Event duration: Day Event (4.30 hours CPD) (Lunch Included).
Registration from: 9.00. Event starts at: 9.30. Event finishes at: 16.00.

Download and print your full course brochure here not available

As we begin to focus on a living in a Post-Brexit, Post-COVID pandemic world, stepping away from lockdowns, new ways of  virtual working have emerged; and with the Government promising planning reform at a time of a climate emergency, important changes are afoot. The conference will consider some key changes to be confronted and embraced to meet the needs of clients, the expectations of Government and the huge environmental challenges that climate change poses. 

As the demands on the economy grow, infrastructure gaps become increasingly apparent and the need for regeneration is undiminished, the planning system, and all who work in it, has never been under greater pressure. What changes can meet all these competing demands and produce a planning system that is faster, fairer and more responsive to current and future needs?

This year the conference is running as a hybrid event, so whether you are attending in person at Clyde & Co in London, or attending virtually it is an essential day for all those involved in and concerned about planning and the environment.



Welcome and Introduction by Conference & PEBA Chairman
Paul Brown QC

Keynote Address - 'The Role of the Courts in Planning - Cases in the Supreme Court'
The Right Hon. Lord Carnwath of Notting Hill CVO

The Politics of Planning
Christopher Katkowski QC 

What changes are now proposed? Is the planning system no longer fit for purpose and legislative reforms must bring about radical new changes such as a planning zone system? Or is the system structurally sound and just requiring enhancements to deliver future requirements? This session will provide the latest update on the status of proposed planning reforms and provide a lively discussion on competing views as to what may or may not be needed to deliver our future needs.

'Mastering the Art of Virtual Advocacy and Evidence'

A Panel Session with Inspector Claire Searson, Tom Cosgrove QC, Sean Bashforth and Ian Ginbey

A panel event to consider the trials and tribulations of a virtual reality. What are the advantages and disadvantages and how effective is remote justice, as considered from the perspective of tribunal, barrister, solicitor and expert witness. 

The Planning System and Retained EU Law
Professor Pavlos Eleftheriadis

Addressing Equality and Diversity at the Planning & Environmental Bar

Nina Pindham and Sam Mercer

Case Law Update
Rose Grogan and Victoria Hutton

An essential review and round-up of recent significant decisions in planning and environmental law

Recent Decisions and Implications - Aarhus Compliance Committee
Timothy Mould QC and Jenny Wigley QC

Concluding Remarks by Conference Chairman